A modified version of GnuPG

Max V. Zinal Zlat0 at mail.ru
Mon May 20 20:14:01 CEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

Hello everyone, have a nice time of day.

I've  made  some  changes to GnuPG 1.0.7, so now I have a version
built  under  MS  Windows with MS Visual C++ 6.0 compiler, linked
together  with zlib 1.1.4, and having support for *secure memory*
under  Windows.  I  did  my best to ensure that my changes do not
break any existing code under any ever-used platform.

I  think that this changes can be useful for project maintainers,
so they could include all this stuff into the future release.

I  would  like to know, are the project maintainers interested in
getting  my alterations, and if the answer is 'YES', how should I
send these alterations for them.

To show that my modified GPG works, I sign this message with it.
My public key is attached in a file.

- --
Best regards,
 Max                          mailto:zinal0 at gibinsoft.net
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7a (x86-winnt)

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