secure sign & encrypt

Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder avbidder at
Thu May 23 12:19:01 CEST 2002

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 18:55, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> > In other words, your threat model says that you do not only trust the
> > sender (signer) of a message, but you trust all people who may get
> > signed messages from that sender. (Or, alternatively, you as the
> <testy>
> No.  Please don't make assumptions about my threat model, especially ones 
> which are subtly and seriously wrong.
> </testy>

I'm sorry if I misunderstand you here. Let me ask you, then:

You receive an encrypted + signed message. What do you know now?

You trust the signature. Do you trust that nobody has read the message
in passing?

-- vbi

secure email with gpg            avbidder at key id 0x92082481
                                 avbidder at    key id 0x5E4B731F

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