Mail delivery failed

Chris Wilson chris at
Thu May 30 12:44:02 CEST 2002

Dear Wagner,

If you are going to treat this list as spam, would you please unsubscribe?

Cheers, Chris.

On Thu, 30 May 2002 wagner at wrote:

> The mail system has received a message appearently from you
> that had the following header fields:
>     From:     gnupg-devel-request at
>     Subject:  Gnupg-devel digest, Vol 1 #374 - 3 msgs
>     To:       gnupg-devel at
>     Date:     Thu, 30 May 2002 06:25:43 +0200
> The message has been deleted automatically for the following reason:
> SPAM detected. Mail dropped.
> This message has been generated automatically.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arno Wagner           Dipl. Inform.          wagner at
>  A modern US Navy cruiser now requires 26 tons of manuals. This is enough to 
>  affect the vessel's performance. -- New Scientist on the paperless office
>  Spam will get you reported to your ISP. I explicitely forbid you 
>  to store my email address for purpose of reselling or spamming. 
> _______________________________________________
> Gnupg-devel mailing list
> Gnupg-devel at

   ___ __     _
 / __// / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson -- UNIX Firewall Lead Developer |
/ (_ / ,\/ _/ /_ \ | |
\ _//_/_/_//_/___/ | 21 Signet Court, Cambridge, UK. 01223 576516 |

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