[Announce]GPGRemail v0.1 initial announcement

Paul Boehm paul at soniq.net
Wed Nov 6 23:30:01 CET 2002

Current Version: 0.1
License: LGPL
Author: Paul Boehm <paul at soniq.net>
Available from: http://soniq.net/gpgremail/

GPGRemail is a minimalistic mailinglist software, meant for small,
private, mailinglists that require strong cryptography via the GNU
Privacy Guard. 

It achieves it's integration with GPG by implementing a technique we 
call 'Transparent GPG Reencryption'.

The basic idea is this:
 * gpg encrypt mail with mailinglist public key. 
 * send to mailinglist.
 * gpgremail decrypts the mail with its private key.
 * gpgremail reencrypts the mail with each recipients private key,
   and delivers the mail.
 * decrypt mail with your own private key.

This is the first public release, so feedback of all kinds
(especially security related after-thoughts) are more than welcome!

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