GpgMe dll version

Timo Schulz twoaday at
Mon Jun 9 21:45:09 CEST 2003

On Tue Jun 03 2003; 12:08, "Sebastián E. Brocher" wrote:

> 	Is it possible to compile it using Cygwin or any other windows-based 
> 	dev environment?

The current GPGME branch (0.4.x) has some code which does not work on
W32 but it should be possible to build it, when you disable these parts.

I compiled GPGME 0.2.3 on W32 with VC++ without any problems. I never
tried to compile any other version because I derrived my own version.

If you want to build a program that should work with the same API on
Posix and Windows, you should use the newest GPGME code but if you just
a GPGME like API for your Windows app, I could send you the tarball of
my GPGME version.


Windows Privacy Tools            "Der Tugendhafte begnügt sich, von dem zu 
(    träumen, was der Böse im Leben verwirklicht."
OpenPGP Key 0xBF3DF9B4           -- Platon

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