Is there a command-line equivalent to "Only return exact matches"?

jonathan soong jon.soong at
Wed Jun 25 10:41:03 CEST 2003

>How do you know what exact match to search for then?  If you don't know the
>key ID in advance, I assume you are talking about a key defined by some
>other parameter like user ID, and then you can not be sure that there will
>be only one exact match.
Yes this is exactly the situation i am talking of.

:) This is for a custom application we are actually writing. So we 
wanted the users the option to
change their keys, and our encryption tool would then get their new keys 
off the PKS server.
E.g. user ID, could be "Jon-789", which we would specify, but this user 
could create new keys.
   - we always want to get the latest keys for 'Jon-789'

The --search-keys option would think of 'Jon-789' as  two words, rather 
than one ..

Oh well, my workaround was to make 'Jon-789'  --> 'Jon789'

thanks though


>The only case where I think you will want an exact match is if you have for
>example a particular signature you want to verify.  But then gpg will give
>you the key ID in the ERRSIG status message (--status-fd option):
>    ERRSIG  <long keyid>  <pubkey_algo> <hash_algo> \
>            <sig_class> <timestamp> <rc>
>        It was not possible to check the signature.  This may be
>        caused by a missing public key or an unsupported algorithm.
>        A RC of 4 indicates unknown algorithm, a 9 indicates a missing
>        public key. The other fields give more information about
>        this signature.  sig_class is a 2 byte hex-value.

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