[unexpected signature class 0x00]???

Maxim Britov udjinrg at forenet.by
Mon Mar 24 16:39:02 CET 2003

6 steps:
1. gpg.exe --gen-key
 Please select what kind of key you want: 1  (DSA&ElGamal)
 DSA keypair will have 1024 bits.
 What keysize you want? 768
 Correct? yes
 Real name: testkey
 email address: test at test
 Comment: <empty>
 Okey? Ok.
 passw: qwerty
 public and secret key created and signed.
 key marked as ultimately trusted.
 pub  1024D/C1F67F71 2003-03-24 testkey
      Key fingerprint = 03FF CD62 2FF9 C186 5882  7DD8 644E D273 C1F6 7F71
 sub   768g/01E6EFFA 2003-03-24

2. gpg --list-sigs test
 pub  1024D/C1F67F71 2003-03-24 testkey
 sig 3       C1F67F71 2003-03-24   testkey
 sub   768g/01E6EFFA 2003-03-24
 sig         C1F67F71 2003-03-24   testkey

3. gpg --export test.txt

4. gpg --default-key test --sign test.txt
 You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
 user: "testkey"
 1024-bit DSA key, ID C1F67F71, created 2003-03-24

5. gpg --default-key test --import test.gpg
gpg: key C1F67F71: "testkey" 2 new signatures
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:         new signatures: 2

6. gpg --list-sigs test
 pub  1024D/C1F67F71 2003-03-24 testkey
 sig 3       C1F67F71 2003-03-24   testkey
 sig                             [unexpected signature class 0x00]
 sub   768g/01E6EFFA 2003-03-24
 sig         C1F67F71 2003-03-24   testkey
 sig                             [unexpected signature class 0x00]

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