GnuPG race causes misordered uids?

Timo Schulz twoaday at
Mon May 5 10:41:01 CEST 2003

On Mon May 05 2003; 00:20, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

> > This is because now I check the user ids and other key attributes, and not
> > always gpg puts the primary user ID first.  I have seen one of the other 
> > two ids being listed first as well.
> This is with gpg 1.2.1 (will test latest version, too).

I can confirm this. A long time I thought something is wrong with my
GPGME port for Windows but now I hear these problems appear on Posix
as well. I use the latest CVS (stable-branch 1.2.3-cvs) since two days
and I could not see this behaviour again. But of course it does *not*
mean, it will never happen.


"Der Tugendhafte begnügt sich, von dem zu träumen, was der Böse im Leben 
verwirklicht." -- Platon

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