Proposed seat.test patch

Carlo Luciano Bianco clbianco at
Tue Jan 18 13:31:57 CET 2005

Dear all,

The seat.test file assumes it is executed in a system where the text files 
are in LF format. Trying to execute it in a CRLF system (i.e. a Win32 one) 
results in a failed test, even if gpg.exe is actually behaving correctly.

The following patch should solve the problem:

--- seat-orig.test	Sat Jun 29 13:29:54 2002
+++ seat.test	Tue Jan 18 12:00:33 2005
@@ -2,10 +2,25 @@
 . $srcdir/ || exit 3
 for i in $plain_files ; do
     echo "$usrpass1" | $GPG --passphrase-fd 0 --always-trust -seat \
                         -r two -o x --yes $i
     $GPG -o y --yes x
-    cmp $i y || error "$i: mismatch"
+    case "$AMB" in
+       *-mingw32*)
+          unix2dos -c 7bit -n $i z
+          cmp z y || error "$i: mismatch"
+       ;;
+       *)
+          cmp $i y || error "$i: mismatch"
+       ;;
+    esac    

Maybe also Cygwin should be added together with mingw32, I don't know...

| Carlo Luciano Bianco | ICQ UIN: 109517158                              |
|______________________| Home page: <>    |
|GPG DSA/ElG 1024/4096:|_________________________________________________|
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