Explicitely choosing a subkey leads to breakdown of gpg 1.4.0a for windows

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Thu Mar 10 11:44:42 CET 2005


after a longish debugging session Timo and me found secmem_realloc to
be the culprit.  Fixed in CVS of 1.2.x and 1.4.x.

diff -u -p -r1.42 -r1.43
--- util/secmem.c       16 Dec 2004 05:16:09 -0000      1.42
+++ util/secmem.c       10 Mar 2005 09:52:05 -0000      1.43
@@ -398,8 +401,12 @@ secmem_realloc( void *p, size_t newsize 
     mb = (MEMBLOCK*)((char*)p - ((size_t) &((MEMBLOCK*)0)->u.aligned.c));
     size = mb->size;
-    if( newsize < size )
-       return p; /* it is easier not to shrink the memory */
+    if (size < sizeof(MEMBLOCK))
+      log_bug ("secure memory corrupted at block %p\n", mb);
+    size -= ((size_t) &((MEMBLOCK*)0)->u.aligned.c);
+    if( newsize <= size )
+       return p; /* It is easier not to shrink the memory.  */
     a = secmem_malloc( newsize );
     if ( a ) {
         memcpy(a, p, size);



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