Carlo Luciano Bianco clbianco at tiscalinet.it
Fri Sep 29 10:21:49 CEST 2006

Il /29 set 2006/, *Lionel Elie Mamane* ha scritto:

> Not exactly. Version 3 DSA signatures lack a hash firewall. But
> version 4 DSA signatures do have a hash firewall.

Thanks, this is very good to know!

> The version refers
> not to a version of DSA itself, but the version of the OpenPGP packet
> format being used.

OK, and I think that now v4 packets are the default ones in GnuPG, 
unless force-v3-sigs is specified. So, this meas that GnuPG 
implementation of DSA (and of the so-called "DSA2") does have a hash 
firewall by default, am I correct?

> All RSA signatures (V3 or V4) do have a hash firewall, yes.

OK, thanks!

                      |  ICQ UIN: 109517158
 Carlo Luciano Bianco |  Home page: <http://clbianco.altervista.org/>
GnuPG RSAv4 4096 - Fingerprint:FA68CF697EA63865AAFA805F68703AD40609D743

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