gpg locks up with certain key servers

Andrew Zabolotny zap at
Thu Aug 9 10:56:43 CEST 2007


I have the following statement in my gpg.conf file:

keyserver x-hkp://

However, pretty often gpg locks up when checking emails from
miscelaneous people who have their public keys on that server for
unknown reason. This happens like this:

[3|zap at zap|~]gpg msg
Detached signature.
Please enter name of data file: msg
gpg: Signature made Thu Aug  9 10:46:32 2007 MSD using DSA key ID
307D56ED gpg: requesting key 307D56ED from hkp server

And then it stays there forever, from time to time hogging CPU for long
periods of time (several minutes), then releasing it, then again
hogging. I waited for about 15 minutes and there's no sign of the end.

I'm attaching a signed message from one of the mailing lists I receive
(it's public so I hope it's not a privacy concern) on which it behaves
like I described above. If you don't get the above behaviour, it could
happen that the public key of the person who wrote the message is
already on your public ring; move temporarily your pubring.gpg file to
some place where gpg won't find it for test.

This does not happen if I use other key servers. However, I think gpg
shouldn't behave so even if key server behaves incorrectly. I have
signature checking automatically enabled in my email program (sylpheed
claws) and pretty often I have to kill the email client that locks up
badly because of this gpg behavior.

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