gpgme dll for windows

Werner Koch wk at
Sun Aug 12 14:33:58 CEST 2007

On Sat, 11 Aug 2007 20:08, swalker at said:

> I do run with "--build-w32", but I'm stuck with the issue of 
> glib 2.0.  I keep getting a hard coded include and lib path to 

You need glib2 only if you want to build the glib version of libgpgme.  

> Does anybody have a definitive HOWTO on downloading and build all of the 
> packages to create a gpgme dll for windows?

The way I build these package is by putting everything into a ~/w32root/
tree.    Putting glib there might is a little bit complicated as you
need to twiddle with the pkg-config files. 

Thus the easiest way is to get the gpg4win package which builds
everything you need.  Note that you don't need to download all package
and that even if the final installer won't build you end up with a
gpgme dll below




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