Getting rid of GPG_AGENT_INFO variable (was: [PATCH] Add hostname to default env file)

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Wed Sep 12 11:41:52 CEST 2007

On Monday 10 September 2007 19:03, Werner Koch wrote:
> The long term plan is to get rid of this environment variable
> (GPG_AGENT_INFO) and replace it with a well known name for the socket.
> This name needs to be at a location which is specific to the local
> system.  /tmp/gnupg-foo seems to be a good place and my question was
> merely what disadvantages such an approach might have.

The variable is a good way to communicate to subprocesses.
Having several agents might be interesting for testing purposes
and the variable makes this easier. This should be considered,
but I guess who would make the precise location configurable anyway.

> Note that many programs use such socket file below /tmp, 
> identified by application- and username.

It might be easier to see for other user (but I did not check).
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