scim and pinentry-gtk2

Marcus Brinkmann marcus.brinkmann at
Wed Apr 9 15:25:17 CEST 2008

At Tue, 08 Apr 2008 13:15:19 -0500,
Robby Workman <rw at> wrote:
> I suppose the command line option to pinentry might be acceptable,
> but there would need to be some way to specify in gpg-agent that
> pinentry should be called with the --scim (or whatever) option.
> Perhaps it could check for the presence of the XIM_PROGRAM or
> GTK_IM_MODULE environment variables and automatically do the right
> thing.

In response to this and Werner's concern, it could also be done by
means of a wrapper script.  But this is basically the same as a new
binary, really.

> Alternatively, a pinentry-scim binary (which could then be specified
> in gpg-agent with --pinentry-program) would be acceptable, I suppose.

Right.  I would haggle about the name, because there is nothing
special about scim (maybe the current gtk pinentry should be renamed
instead), but the idea is the same.
> I know basically nothing about gtk programming, but I must admit that
> I find it hard to believe that there's no "correct" way to do this
> in gtk without either command line options to pinentry or a special
> pinentry binary -- obviously qt provides the ability, so surely gtk
> does as well?

I am not sure what you mean by "this" here.  I have not looked into it
yet.  Anything is possible :)


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