verify problem

Oguz Yarimtepe comp.ogz at
Mon Mar 9 10:49:28 CET 2009


I was trying to verify a binary file which is signed by using "gpg -s"
command.  But i couldn't managed to make my code work. I decided to
try a simple example to understand the basics so i checked the
t-verify.c file under tests directory. I am using gpgme1.0-1.1.5 which
is compiled with lfs support disabled.

mytest-verify2.c is nearly same with the t-verify.c file. What i
didn't understand about the code is, the signed message test_sig2,
should be verified with a public key. How does gpgme_op_verify find
that public key and verify the signed message whcih has a cleartext
sign? So i need some help to figure out the problem.

If i can understand what the problem with this code i can find what
should i do at the mytest-verify.c which should be verifing a binary


Oğuz Yarımtepe
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