Renaming AES to AES-128

Diego Elio Pettenò flameeyes at
Thu Dec 2 14:41:20 CET 2010

Il giorno gio, 02/12/2010 alle 12.40 +0100, Werner Koch ha scritto:
> Debian alone lists 225 packages depending on libgcrypt.  And there are
> for sure many more users.  All these packages would need a rebuild and
> the maintainers need to go over it to figure out whether the change
> may
> affect them.
I'll add: Gentoo users will have to rebuild them themselves, and so
would FreeBSD ports users, Arch source-based users, and so on so forth.

May I suggest to simply schedule this to be applied next time has to be
broken for more serious issues?

Diego Elio Pettenò — “Flameeyes”

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