[PATCH] Allow SHA2 hash functions on gnupg 2 with scdaemon

Diego Elio Pettenò flameeyes at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 16:25:34 CEST 2010

Il giorno mar, 28/09/2010 alle 10.22 +0200, Werner Koch ha scritto:
> I just commited a similar change.
Thanks, but it's broken, the original (and my version) had a trailing
whitespace on the --hash parameter strings, your commit doesn't have
those so it ends up mangling the PKSIGN commandline:

scdaemon[32606.7] DBG: <- PKSIGN
scdaemon[32606.7] DBG: -> ERR 100663576 IPC parameter error <SCD> -
invalid hash algorithm

Diego Elio Pettenò — “Flameeyes”

If you found a .asc file in this mail and know not what it is,
it's a GnuPG digital signature: http://www.gnupg.org/

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