Future problems with OpenGPG card and ECC

Grant Olson kgo at grant-olson.net
Thu Feb 17 20:02:49 CET 2011

On 2/17/11 11:41 AM, Sébastien Lorquet wrote:
> Hi,
> Do anyone know how an opengpg card implemented in javacard is supposed
> to work with ECC?
> The opengpg card spec v2.0 states:
>> The hash value (ECDSA) or the DigestInfo is delivered in the data
> field of the command.

Section 2.1 of the spec basically says that only RSA is supported.  And
from 7.2.9 "In this version of the OpenPGP application ECDSA decryption
is not defined and will be added in a later version."  Etc.

So including ECC would indeed require a new version of the spec.

I didn't know about the javacard implementation until just now, but I
think another big problem is that the ZietControl cards seem to only
support a ECC-167.  That curve isn't set to be included with the new
OpenPGP spec.  And if I do the math right, and that's comparable to an
80-something bit symmetric key, then it probably shouldn't be included.


"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."

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