needs in OpenPGP to use it for a bitcoin replacement.

Sébastien Lorquet squalyl at
Mon Jun 20 15:30:10 CEST 2011

just to add oil in the fire...

source: Le Monde (in french):

bitcoin? do not want!


On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Jerome Baum <jerome at> wrote:

> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:44, Jean-Jacques Brucker
> <jeanjacquesbrucker at> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> So what happens if I don't have an established WoT? Does this currency
> >> just not work for me? If you want to promote OpenPGP, then it's
> >> probably best to promote it to people who aren't using it yet -- as
> >> opposed to people who are already using it and have an established
> >> WoT.
> >
> > As it is WoT-based, a given currency can only be exchanged in only one
> WoT.
> >
> > Building a WoT is so the mandatory first step.
> Point still applies.
> >> I have no interests, economically speaking, of writing this email.
> >> It's not like I'm going to make money from this, not even indirectly.
> >> People have other interests than economic ones -- say you want to
> >> promote digital currencies, or you are genuinely interested in the
> >> challenge.
> >
> > Both of them.
> >
> > If u want a short retrospection about my motivation
> Sorry for the subtlety, I was pointing out the fact that the Bitcoin
> creators needn't have economic interests in helping you, and still may
> be happy to do so. You should still definitely get in touch with them
> if you want to create an improvement over Bitcoin.
> >> > § 5 an entity is an human or a group of defined humans (no legal
> entity).
> >>
> >> Why?
> >
> > To keep things simple.
> Why is this simpler? How is any market going to spawn with your new
> digital currency if businesses are prohibited from trading there? Why
> make a restriction that isn't strictly related to the technical and
> economical model you are designing?
> >> I've also taken a look at and
> >> frankly it feels like I was hit by a bus: "A new Open-UDC member must
> >> be approuved by 2/3 or more of all members" is quite a condition. Does
> >> this mean I cannot trade the currency if I don't have prior approval
> >> of a 2/3 majority of the existing traders? Two options:
> > By the way, such kind of rules is not in the technical heart of a
> WoT-based
> > solution which I try to define (and need help for that).
> Exactly my point when it comes to § 6.
> --
> Jerome Baum
> tel +49-1578-8434336
> email jerome at
> --
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