SHA3 IANA registration - method?

Phil Pennock gnupg-devel at
Wed Dec 12 11:46:20 CET 2012

Sorry for asking here, but mail to <ietf-openpgp-request at> is
bouncing, so it looks as though the ietf-openpgp list is now completely
dead.  The only IETF forum I can spot is the concluded openpgp WG:

So: what's the best mechanism for registering a "Hash Algorithms" entry
in for
SHA-3 ?  RFC without implementation or implementation based on PRIVATE
USE code-points and then RFC?

I'm guessing that a working implementation using a PRIVATE USE
code-point, per RFC4880 section 13.10, is a decent way to go?  Or is PGP
one of the protocols where folks have settled on avoiding private use
fields because of the difficulty in migrating away from them?

Does anyone know of someone already writing the necessary RFC for the
IETF Consensus mechanism?


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