smartcard stub not imported when migrating to gnupg 2.1

Alphazo alphazo at
Wed Jul 3 18:40:59 CEST 2013


I'm running 2.1.0-beta220 and try to import my key to the new keychain.
Here is how my key is defined:

- One master key for signing with private key material not present
- One subkey for signing protected by passphrase
- One subkey for encryption with private key material stored on a
cryptostick therefore there is a stub here.

I plugged in the CryptoStick and the issued the followed command:

# gpg --import ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

I only got prompted for the passphrase for the signing key.

Then when I list the private keys I can see them all with a (#) showing
that the private key material is not there.

gpg --list-secret-keys
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
sec#  4096R/C23D45E6 2010-11-07
uid                  Test Key <test at>
ssb   3072R/4BC5DE67 2010-11-07 [expire : 2014-11-03]
ssb#  3072R/A45B67C8 2010-11-07 [expire : 2014-11-03]

However when trying to decrypt gnupg returns that there is no private key
available for this key. It doesn't aks for the cryptostick as well.

I also used the --edit-key and then 'toggle' to see the stub but couldn't
see it.

Is there a way to transfer a stub over from the previous secring.gpg to the
new private key storage?


BTW, gpg --card-status works fine.
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