Delete key from OpenPGP card?

Nguyễn Hồng Quân quannguyen at
Mon Mar 4 08:48:50 CET 2013


I'm implementing "delete key" in OpenSC for OpenPGP card.
To delete authentication key, for example, I think I have to empty these
- 00C9, containing fingerprint for the key
- 00D0, containing creation time for the key
and rewrite the Extended header list with 00DB command.

However, I failed to empty 00C9. I tried these APDU:
1. 00 DA 00 C9
Return error 6700 (Wrong length)
2. 00 DA 00 C9 00
Return error 6400 (Execution error)

The 1st form, I tried with normal DO, like 005B, and succeeded.
The 2nd form, I referenced
(This script is for Gnuk card and success with Gnuk).

Why none of these APDU work with OpenPGP card? What is the correct APDU
for OpenPGP?


Y!IM: ng_hquan_vn
GTalk: ng.hong.quan

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