Werner Koch
wk at gnupg.org
Mon Feb 3 15:17:38 CET 2014
we recently talked about how to format a key listing for ECC. I gave it
a shot and here are some examples:
$ g10/gpg2 --legacy-list-mode --list-key 1E42B367
pub 2048D/1E42B367 2007-12-31 [expires: 2018-12-31]
uid Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
uid Werner Koch <wk at g10code.com>
uid Werner Koch <werner at eifzilla.de>
sub 1024D/77F95F95 2011-11-02
sub 2048R/664D7444 2014-01-02 [expires: 2016-12-31]
This is bascially how it has been done since PGP-2
$ g10/gpg2 --list-key 1E42B367
pub dsa2048/1E42B367 2007-12-31 [expires: 2018-12-31]
uid Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
uid Werner Koch <wk at g10code.com>
uid Werner Koch <werner at eifzilla.de>
sub dsa1024/77F95F95 2011-11-02
sub rsa2048/664D7444 2014-01-02 [expires: 2016-12-31]
$ g10/gpg2 --list-key 658BF9C2
pub nistp256/658BF9C2 2013-09-23 nistp256
uid Test for GCRY_PK_ECC change
sub nistp256/67F0948F 2013-09-23 nistp256
This is the new format which includes the name of the curves. The curve
names are longer than what we have now. We may even see
"brainpoolP256r1/12345678". Of course could use shorter names but in
any case it will be longer and for unknown curves even much longer (gpg
would print the OID instead of the name)
The problem is that it does not anymore nicely align up in columns. We
could use some padding to cover the common cases. However that would
also mean to indent the uid even more. I don't think that will be a
good idea. If we could agree on completly departing from the old
format, a format like
pub 1E42B367 2007-12-31 dsa2948 [expires: 2018-12-31]
uid Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
uid Werner Koch <wk at g10code.com>
uid Werner Koch <werner at eifzilla.de>
sub 77F95F95 2011-11-02 dsa1024
sub 664D7444 2014-01-02 rsa2048 [expires: 2016-12-31]
might be better. Note that we sometimes print strings like "[marginal]"
in front of the UID which won't fit anymore if short keyids are used.
We could of course use abbreviations here:
[ revoked] => [rev]
[ expired] => [exp]
[ unknown] => [ - ]
[ undef ] => [ / ]
[marginal] => [mar]
[ full ] => [ful]
[ultimate] => [ult]
To complete the picture, here is how I changed the format used by
--edit-key. First the old format:
$ g10/gpg2 --legacy-list-mode --edit-key 1E42B367
pub 2048D/1E42B367 created: 2007-12-31 expires: 2018-12-31 usage: SC
trust: unknown validity: unknown
sub 2048R/FA8FE1F9 created: 2008-03-21 expired: 2011-12-30 usage: E
sub 1024D/77F95F95 created: 2011-11-02 expires: never usage: S
sub 2048R/C193565B created: 2011-11-07 expired: 2013-12-31 usage: E
sub 2048R/664D7444 created: 2014-01-02 expires: 2016-12-31 usage: E
[ unknown] (1). Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
[ unknown] (2) Werner Koch <wk at g10code.com>
[ unknown] (3) Werner Koch <werner at eifzilla.de>
And here is the new one.
$ g10/gpg2 --edit-key 1E42B367
pub dsa2048/1E42B367
created: 2007-12-31 expires: 2018-12-31 usage: SC
trust: unknown validity: unknown
sub rsa2048/FA8FE1F9
created: 2008-03-21 expired: 2011-12-30 usage: E
sub dsa1024/77F95F95
created: 2011-11-02 expires: never usage: S
sub rsa2048/C193565B
created: 2011-11-07 expired: 2013-12-31 usage: E
sub rsa2048/664D7444
created: 2014-01-02 expires: 2016-12-31 usage: E
[ unknown] (1). Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
[ unknown] (2) Werner Koch <wk at g10code.com>
[ unknown] (3) Werner Koch <werner at eifzilla.de>
I am not really satisfied.
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