android build failure: `./syscfg/lock-obj-pub.linux-androideabi.h': No such file or directory

Werner Koch wk at
Sat Jan 25 12:48:02 CET 2014

On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 23:11, hans at said:

> I ran that procedure, but it produced a different file name than the error at
> the beginning of this thread.  The file is attached.

Thanks.  Commited.

The tool first tries the full host triplet and then falls back to the os

  incfname = mk_include_name (name, repl_flag? host_triplet : NULL);
  fp = fopen (incfname, "r");
  if (!fp && repl_flag)
      /* Try again using the OS string.  */
      free (incfname);
      incfname = mk_include_name (name, host_os);
      fp = fopen (incfname, "r");

Let me know if this works.  I suggest to run the "tests/t-lock
--verbose" on the target.



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