Implementation of the openpgp smartcard specification 2.0 for zeitcontrol basiccard

Klaus Flittner klaus at
Sat Apr 4 16:50:52 CEST 2015


some years ago i played with the zeitcontrol basiccards [1] especially the variant ZC7.5 and implemented the OpenPGP Smartcard application on them.
Recently i found the code again and thought it might be of interest to some of you.

In comparison to the official OpenPGP card, this implementation allows command chaining and should thus allow larger keys with more readers, since in my experience extended APDU are not well supported in most smartcard readers.
Be aware that this was only a small project to learn a bit about smartcard communication protocols. So this implementation might be vulnerable to all kind of attacks as i am no specialist in cryptography.

Disclaimer aside the code can be found at:

Klaus Flittner


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