[PATCH] Point to the correct URLs for the FAQ

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Wed Mar 4 15:21:58 CET 2015

On Sun, 22 Feb 2015 07:12, dkg at fifthhorseman.net said:
> * doc/FAQ: correct URLs, use https


> The old FAQ URLs (http://www.gnupg.org/faq/GnuPG-FAQ.html) return
> versions from the end of 2012.  We probably also want to replace those
> with an HTTP redirect to the correct page.

Thanks for noting.  There is some cruft in the top directory which needs
to be cleaned up.  I replaced that with a symlink to the real FAQ.  I
will also repalce the old HTML with links to their new versions.

The old FAQ has been renamed to GnuPG-FAQ.old.txt at

> I also note that the plaintext version of the FAQ is sent by the web
> server with the following header:
>   Content-Type: text/plain
> Note the lack of a charset parameter.  The file itself appears to

Oh yes.  I think Boa has no support for this.  I'll check whether I can
fix that.



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