Fingerprints and Key-IDs - Was: [PATCH] avoid publishing the GnuPG version by default

ilf ilf at
Thu Aug 11 13:08:34 CEST 2016

Ben McGinnes:
> That being the case, though, why such concern for removing long or 
> short? The same thing already provides what you want, except for the 
> spaces and the likelihood of breaking third party code.

No user should be exposed to key-id short or long, only fingerprints. 
This is the case in default 2.1.14.

But to transition away from the long-time default key-id short, we've 
been telling people to use "key-id long" and "fingerprint", see
For 1.4, 2.0 and <2.1.14, this is still the way to go.

But with 2.1.14, this changes and no "key-id" and no "fingerprint" is 
best. That's default, good. But that doesn't change existing configs.

So my proposal is to always add the fingerprint in the line after 
key-id, regardless of that being none, short or long.


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