Moving the agent's socket to /var/run ?

Damien Goutte-Gattat dgouttegattat at
Tue Feb 23 16:54:18 CET 2016

On 02/23/2016 04:24 PM, Werner Koch wrote:
> What about changing the _default_ name for the sockets from, say,
> ~/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent to /var/run/user/<uid>/S.gpg-agent ?

May I suggest that instead of hardcoding /var/run/..., we honor the 
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR variable (from the XDG Base Directory Specification [1]) 
if it is set?

It seems specifically designed for that usage:

   $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR defines the base directory relative to which
   user-specific non-essential runtime files and other file objects
   (such as sockets, named pipes, ...) should be stored.



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