Migration gnupg 2.0.x to gnupg 2.1.x

Lukas Pitschl | GPGTools lukele at gpgtools.org
Thu Jul 20 11:57:12 CEST 2017


we’re currently in the process of preparing the migration from gnupg 2.0.x to gnupg 2.1.x as default in GPG Suite for the near future.
During the process of testing the migration, the following questions came up. It would be great if you could share your experience and knowledge with us in that regard:

- Is there a document listing all the options which are no longer available?
  -> we’ll have to comment these out upon installation
- Is there a document listing all the options which replace older options (but work the same)?
  -> we would like to automatically migrate these
- Smart card stubs are not available after migration. Is this by design? Why? Is there any better method to have them in the migrated keyring as well, without running `gpg —card-status`?
- Are there any keys which are no longer supported and the user will lose access to after migration?
- How do you handle the migration in gpg4win?

Thank you very much in advance for your input and help.



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