pinentry-tqt for the trinity desktop (former KDE3/Qt3 code)

deloptes deloptes at
Sun Oct 29 12:41:46 CET 2017

On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 11:43 AM, Damien Goutte-Gattat <
dgouttegattat at> wrote:

> On 10/29/2017 05:47 AM, deloptes wrote:
>> 1. I get following error:
> Strange, I don't get that error. Maybe we're using a slightly different
> version of TQt3...
> => removing hasMarkedText (as it is flagged obsolete) solves the problem
> OK.
>> 2. Compile still failed with: > [...]
>> => creating version.texi in doc solves the problem and packages are build
>> correctly
> Are you building directly from a Git checkout? Then you need to call the
> configure script with --enable-maintainer-mode. And you should also call
> the the script before that.
> To test building a package I would suggest creating first a proper tarball:
>   $ ./
>   $ ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
>   $ make
>   $ make distcheck

Thanks for the mainainer-mode - this solved the problem. I indeed build
from the git directory by running "debuild -b -uc -us". The is
invoked by debuild automatically.

> This will create a tarball that you should be able to use in your
> packaging script as if it came directly from GnuPG upstream.
> 3. How we can set pinentry-tqt to default?
> As far as I know the current build system has no option to explicitly set
> the default pinentry. The default pinentry is automatically selected among
> the enabled pinentries, using a hardcoded preference order.
> Since we're adding a new pinentry, I have put it at the end of the
> preference list, so it will never be selected as the default unless all
> other pinentries are disabled. I don't want to change that without prior
> approval from other pinentry developers.
> Making a pinentry the default simply means installing a symlink from
> $prefix/bin/pinentry to the selected pinentry. So if you're building a
> package for TDE, where it makes perfect sense to use pinentry-tqt as the
> default, I would suggest that in your packaging script, you remove the
> symlink created by pinentry's "make install" and replace it by your own
> symlink to pinentry-tqt.
> Ok, thanks this explains why pinentry-tty is marked default by the
configure script. I'll need to adjust this and that in the debian directory
and I think I'll give it a try later and report back on how it works.

Cool Damien, thank you very much for the help.

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