Importing ed25519 subkeys from SKS < 1.1.6

Kristian Fiskerstrand kristian.fiskerstrand at
Wed Sep 6 23:46:59 CEST 2017

On 09/06/2017 11:33 PM, Werner Koch wrote:

> including all of the RSA and DSA subkeys.  But not the original
> requested ed25519 key.  It seems SKS 1.1.5 partly supports ed25519 keys
> but for example does not return them.

No, 1.1.5 supports RFC6637 but not the ed25519/curve25519 variants

> Hopefully the remaining SKS 1.1.5 installations will soon update to
> 1.1.6 which does not have this problem.

hkp:// requires SKS 1.1.6, I've been
pondering requiring the main pool to use this , which can be discussed
if we want to push ed25510/curve25519

that said, you can download the full key using &clean=off in the query
to keyservers, as that removes any filtering by trying to read the
packets of the keyservers for SKS < 1.1.6.

Kristian Fiskerstrand
Twitter: @krifisk
Public OpenPGP keyblock at hkp://
fpr:94CB AFDD 3034 5109 5618 35AA 0B7F 8B60 E3ED FAE3
Aquila non capit muscas
The eagle does not hunt flies

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