cv25519 scalar byte order

Vincent Breitmoser look at
Tue Feb 13 23:03:58 CET 2018

Werner Koch(wk at, Feb 13, 2018 at 01:51:12PM +0100:
> It would also be useful to explain you question with a hex dump of the
> parameters instead of just a verbal description.


X25519 Input:
k = 45afc2b924ad66c34dd0508f4aac568f8b8b3c154f7ae44104b794c7551dfd88
u = b94121e20db0369d7cbbd8d09372bae2d48d6e990b5f60895f326235e195e134

X25519 Output:
bouncycastle and tink = c3843a427995b2031e160409b6b1a29700e6e84ee274283bd754f8f9df212313
GnuPG = 005acc6baccaaf72041b10ca74c24e311804958dc87cda5a1e96073c0b922726

See attached secret key and secret message with those values. This fails
to decrypt for me if I use k for the X25519 input (before SP800-56A),
but succeeds with reverse(k).

While implementing to spec, this was unexpected for me, and it took me
quite a while to figure out what GnuPG was doing differently. I also
double-checked, for EdDSA the MPI value is not similarly reversed before
it is handed as a scalar to the algorithm.

 - V

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