org-babel bug and python docs

Dashamir Hoxha dashohoxha at
Tue May 15 07:32:15 CEST 2018

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 6:24 AM, Ben McGinnes <ben at> wrote:

> Specifically that babel appears to break Python code examples in which
> there are nested indent blocks.  It's fine with the first level of
> indentation, but does not honour subsequent levels of indentation.
> [...]
> In the mean time, a work-around was required and I figured I had two
> options:
> Option one: port the whole thing to reStructuredText, which is used
> for Python documentation more generally (including the official docs).
> Option two: port the whole thing to an XML format known to be capable
> of handling technical documentation.

As a third work-around option, have you tried to use '#+begin_example'
instead of '#+begin_src', for the code examples where the identation
is broken. The code coloring will be lost, but maybe the indentation will
be preserved.
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