Server indicated a failure

gmail Vladimir Koković vladimir.kokovic at
Tue May 25 09:42:06 CEST 2021

As there is no my mail "Server indicated a failure" sent 24.May 2021 in 
the Mail list for May, so I send that same mail again.


I tried to install msys2 on windows10 but pacman fails to provide pgp 
keys because there is some problem that is not clear to me,

the same procedure works on another windows10.

That's why I made a git version of gnupg, but even with that version 
it's not possible to do "--refresh-keys" because gnupg reports an error 
"gpg: keyserver refresh failed: Server indicated a failure"

and looking at the source I can say my opinion that no one doesn't know 
what it's about !

A particular problem in gnupg is the large number of possible errors, 
but also without any chance of finding out the reason.


  gpg --verbose --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ --no-permission-warning

gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: Note: RFC4880bis features are enabled.
gpg: no running dirmngr - starting 
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (5s)
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (4s)
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (3s)
gpg: waiting for the dirmngr to come up ... (2s)
gpg: connection to the dirmngr established
gpg: refreshing 12 keys from hkps://
gpg: keyserver refresh failed: Server indicated a failure

My basic question is is there anyone who can tell how to overcome this 
problem ?

Vladimir Koković, DP senior(70),

Serbia, Belgrade, 24.May 2021

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