Specification for Kyber in GnuPG

David Runge dave at sleepmap.de
Mon May 6 21:17:01 CEST 2024

On 2024-05-06 17:09:24 (+0200), Werner Koch via Gnupg-devel wrote:
> Pretty please: Stop discussing this here.

Yet you are the one that keeps bringing this topic up over and over again.
Have you considered to stop doing so? That way you would not have to complain
that someone is asking you for actual facts for your claims.
And by facts I do not mean a marketing website full of inaccurate material such
as the one for LibrePGP.

I am not interested in your personal vendetta with your ex-employees (now
Sequoia-GPG), and I can not imagine anyone else on this list is.

I had hoped we were here to collaborate on technical matters, but it doesn't
seem that you are willing or able to do that at all.

> We spent way to much time with that IETF group's behaviour.

It's ironic, I keep thinking about how we all have to deal with yours, and it
saddens me that you are apparently unable to let your grudges go.

Quite frankly, this mailing list has become unbearable to read due to your
spiteful tirades, condescencion towards others and sheer unwillingness to

I don't think there is much to gain here for anyone anymore that isn't aligned
with what you dictate.
You are clearly no longer interested in a healthy OpenPGP ecosystem.

Hence, this is my last message to this list.

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