Specification for Kyber in GnuPG

Kai Engert KaiE at kuix.de
Sun May 12 16:49:34 CEST 2024

Hi Werner,

I understand you have strong opinions what's better, but I think the 
overall goal to protect users has the highest priority. I'd consider the 
encoding strategy of transport metadata, like the algorithm identifier 
or parameters, as a rather unimportant detail that shouldn't justify a 

If more users and implementations can share a single interoperable 
specification, the overall protection of users will be better, because 
it increases the chance that fallbacks to weaker, classic algorithms is 

I would kindly ask for more willingness to compromise on the protocol 
level, for the sake of protecting users.

I recently saw a political cartoon, which reminded me of the term 
"Divide and Conquer".

I don't know if there is any actor who's actively playing that political 
game and is sowing discord, in order to weaking the OpenPGP protocol. 
But if someone is, we shouldn't let them win.


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