Specification for Kyber in GnuPG

Kai Engert KaiE at kuix.de
Mon May 13 06:53:43 CEST 2024

On 13.05.24 03:18, Jacob Bachmeyer wrote:
> The other side of this debate is attempting to treat 
> OpenPGP algorithm IDs like TLS ciphersuite IDs, which attach all of the 
> details to each codepoint.
> If someone is sowing discord, I presently believe that it is not the GPG 
> maintainers.  If someone is trying to weaken the OpenPGP protocol, I 
> believe it to be the parties pushing for less flexibility, where OpenPGP 
> has historically allowed wide flexibility.

In my understanding, the others argue that being less flexible is a benefit.

I cannot judge who's right. My point is, an attempt should be made to 
negotiate, rather than insisting on one approach being better. It 
doesn't seem that important.

For example, if the GnuPG developers said, that this detail is really 
important to them, and that it is the only remaining disagreement 
regarding the use of PQC with v4 primary keys, then the GnuPG developers 
could reach out of the others, and suggest to change this detail in 
order to reach a common specification.

That's what I suggest to do.


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