OpenPGP Card manufacturer id

Werner Koch wk at
Tue May 21 10:48:17 CEST 2024


On Mon, 20 May 2024 09:41, TOKEN2 Support Team said:

> and it seems we need to obtain a manufacturer ID. Could anyone assist
> us in getting such an ID assigned?

The easiest way is to write me a private mail including your mail
address, web address, and a brief reason why you need a vendor id.  No
HTML mail parts please.  Note that we don't assign them for experiments
or small scale deployments - therefore it is better to take the id from
the random range

   0xFF00..FFFE - Range reserved for randomly assigned serial numbers.

   Serialnumbers with manufacturer ID in this range are an exception
   to the rule that they should be unique.  It is expected that such a
   serialnumber is assigned using a true random function which
   generates 5 bytes (4 for the actual serial number and one to select
   a manufacturer ID out of this range). Note, that the 0xffff is not
   part of this range.  Implementers using serial numbers as a unique
   ID should keep in mind that duplicates may happen.  Using the of
   manufacturer IDs out of this range should only be done if no other
   way of obtaining a manufacturer ID is possible.



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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