sell blank audio and video tapes
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 19:08:08 +0800
Dear sir
we are the manufacturer of audio and video tapes in china =2E our products are good in quality and low in price
we have three grade of products =2E
and the pancake used is =2E sony skc and BASF
covering the following
c-0 c-30 c-45 c-46 c-60 c-90 c-120
v-0 E-30 E-60 E-90 E-120 E-180 E-240
T-30 T-60 T-90 T-120 T-180
if you are interested in our products please see our website
contact =2E
mr wangjin
fax =2E0086731-4429472
email =3A jjwfa=40public=2Ecs=2Ehn=2Ecn