
William X. Walsh william@dso.net
Tue, 05 Oct 1999 11:21:28 -0700 (PDT)

There is a new development team for xfmail and they have a GnuPG
compatible version at http://xfmail.slappy.org/

On 05-Oct-99 Marc Bollmann wrote:

> Maybe this is off-topic, but I hope nobody will kill me.
> I want to work with XFMail, because of the GnuPG-patch. Every
> time I compile
> and install the source code I get an ERROR altough I do it exacly
> the same way
> the README.file tells me. Does anybody work with XFMail or are
> there other
> EMail-Clients which work with GnuPG?
> Regards and Thanx
> Marc
-- William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services Email: william@dso.net Fax:(209) 671-7934 Editor of http://www.dnspolicy.com/