Encrypted email, mutt-to-mutt, gpg-to-pgp2?

Lazarus Long lazarus@overdue.ompages.com
Sun, 12 Sep 1999 08:04:03 +0000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I have a correspondent using PGP 2.6.3ia who doesn't trust "later
versions."  (I also have another using PGP 5.0i who doesn't trust
"later versions" than that, but that's another issue.)  Both of these
people are extremely privacy-minded individuals, but GPG being "new"
has triggered mistrust and I have not yet convinced them to spend the
time researching the specific algorithms' performance records yet.

My ~/.muttrc contains
  set pgp_default_version=3D"gpg"
which has worked fine for my needs so far.

I have added the following lines, for use with this person:
  set pgp_v2=3D"/usr/bin/gpg --rfc1991"
  send-hook oldpgpuser@domain.tld 'set pgp_send_version=3Dpgp2'
but upon the attempt to send/encrypt, I get
  sh: /usr/bin/gpg --rfc1991: No such file or directory
  cat: write error: Broken pipe
  Press any key to continue...
which obviously is not what I intended.

Do I need to write a wrapper script for use with mutt-to-old-pgp-users?

I'm attempting to reach the point where pgp* can be rm'ed, so would prefer
a purely-gpg solution for communicating with PGP 2.x users using mutt.
Can this be done yet, or is the (relatively trivial) wrapper script the
only solution?

Am I overlooking something obvious?

(Btw, I have no problem understanding how to do this on the command line,
it's only how to implement it within ~/.muttrc that is less-than-intuitive
for me.)  Somehow this list seems more appropriate than a mutt list however.

Please encrypt all mail whenever possible.  The following Public Keys
for Lazarus Long <lazarus@overdue.ompages.com> are available upon request:

  Type    Bits/KeyID    Fingerprint        (GnuPG (GPG) is preferred.)
GPG/ELG: 2048g/DE3E078A 0023 E86F A45A C46D 8243  1A7F 6FF2 84C1 3F5B F7CD
GPG/DSA: 1024D/3F5BF7CD (none for DSA keys)
PGP5/DH: 2048/D367A17F  A85A 6A13 B154 6F1C CEF8  F22A 59AE DCC5 D367 A17F
PGP/DSS: 1024/7C998C69  348E FD86 F86C 05FA 6BE1  FE89 C636 2AC9 7C99 8C69
PGP/RSA: 2048/BEBB2EA5  7B EA 8D CB 10 82 F2 30  05 B3 AE E4 08 69 58 E5

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature

Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Now ready for primetime! http://www.gnupg.org

