Depreciated algorithm

Nils Ellmenreich
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 09:05:42 +0100 (CET)

>>>"D" == David <> writes:
D> Hi just wondering why I get: D> gpg: ELG-E/RIJNDAEL encrypted D> gpg: this cipher algorithm is depreciated; please use a more standard one! D> This only occurs when people use my key to encrypt... I can stop it D> from happening if I use --cipher-algo BLOWFISH. You are using 1.0.4 that wrongly issues this warning. Just ignore it or search for a patch in the ML archive. The next release will fix this. Nils -- Nils Ellmenreich, Lst. f. Programmierung, Universitaet Passau, Germany -- Archive is at - Unsubscribe by sending mail with a subject of "unsubscribe" to