emacs interface

Walter Truitt wtruitt@ssd.usa.alcatel.com
Fri, 14 Jul 2000 10:05:20 -0500

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I believe what you are looking for is crypt or crypt++.  It is used for
several different things (like I believe even reading .gz files).  You
can set the default encryption type.

Looking at the crypt.el.gz in my xemacs installation, it has pgp but not
a gpg entry.  If I feel I have the freetime a little later, I will try
creating one in the crypt-build-encryption-alist function.  If someone
else wants to make the guess for setup, please send it, and I will go
ahead and modify my installation.  (makes me wonder if there is actually
already a newer version of crypt++ that includes gpg).

Here is the entry for pgp:

   (list 'pgp
         crypt-encryption-magic-regexp crypt-encryption-magic-regexp-inverse
         (or crypt-encryption-file-extension "\\(\\.pgp\\)$")
         "pgp" "pgp"
         '("+batchmode" "+verbose=3D0" "-c" "-f" "-z")
         '("+batchmode" "+verbose=3D0" "-f" "-z")

List of elements describing the encryption methods available.
each element looks like


ENCRYPTION-TYPE is a symbol denoting the encryption type.

MAGIC-REGEXP regexp that must match very close to the beginning of an
encrypted buffer.  This may also be some elisp expression to be evaluated at
\(point-min\) that will return t for an encrypted buffer.  If this is set to
nil then crypt++ will never try to decrypt a buffer.  Currently set to the
internal variable `crypt-encryption-magic-regexp' which will match non-ASCII

MAGIC-REGEXP-INVERSE regexp that must _NOT_ match very close to the beginni=
of an encrypted buffer.  This may also be some elisp expression to be
evaluated at \(point-min\) that will return t for a NON-encrypted buffer.
If this is set to t then crypt++ will never try to decrypt a buffer.
Currently set to the internal variable `crypt-encryption-magic-regexp-inver=
which will match Sun OS, 4.x BSD, and Ultrix executable magic numbers, so
binaries can still be edited (heh) without headaches.

FILE-EXTENSION regexp denoting the file extension usually appended the
filename of files encrypted with ENCRYPT-PROGRAM.  The variable
`crypt-encryption-file-extension' will over ride the default.

ENCRYPT-PROGRAM name of executable file to be used for encryption.

DECRYPT-PROGRAM name of executable file to be used for decryption.

ENCRYPT-ARGS arguments to be passed to ENCRYPT-PROGRAM may be a string or a
list of strings or nil.

DECRYPT-ARGS arguments to be passed to DECRYPT-PROGRAM may be a string or a
list of strings or nil.

MINOR-MODE string denoting the name for the encrypted minor mode as it will
appear in the mode line.

GARBAGE-REGEXP-OR-LISPEXP dummy variable for compatibility with encoding.

FILE-EXTENSION-TRICKS is t or nil depending on whether or not tricks
converting between different encryption types can be done based on
FILE-EXTENSION; typically t.


On Fri, Jul 14, 2000 at 02:52:27PM +0100, Richard Polton wrote:

> Hi,
> Apologies in advance for being slightly off-topic, but I wonder whether
> there
> is an emacs interface to GnuPG such that everything emacs saves (and
> reads)
> from the hard drive is encrypted with GnuPG?
> Thanks,
> Richard
--hYooF8G/hrfVAmum Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Disposition: inline -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (SunOS) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE5bywmiLUKb039nx4RAlLmAKC6wX9hgWEUMDoSMN4P9m/OqqJ31QCgjqTP t5WnH9e0BZmd4OGx+QnIHls= =mt34 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --hYooF8G/hrfVAmum--