importing keys: result?

Lars Hecking
Mon, 8 May 2000 18:39:58 +0100 writes:

> > Eric Hanchrow (Sun 07.0500-11:17):
> > >>>>> "ino-waiting" == ino-waiting <> writes:
> >
> > ino-waiting> [GNUPG:] IMPORT_RES 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> > ...
> > ino-waiting> [GNUPG:] IMPORT_RES 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> >
> > I'm just guessing, but those look to me like debugging messages. If

> you see? please, anybody, just "ctags" and a quick look into the source...?
g10/import.c. I don't claim to fully understand this, but it kinda makes sense :)
| static void
| print_stats()
| {
| if( !opt.quiet ) {
| log_info(_("Total number processed: %lu\n"), stats.count );
| if( stats.no_user_id )
| log_info(_(" w/o user IDs: %lu\n"), stats.no_user_id );
| if( stats.imported || stats.imported_rsa ) {
| log_info(_(" imported: %lu"), stats.imported );
| if( stats.imported_rsa )
| fprintf(stderr, " (RSA: %lu)", stats.imported_rsa );
| putc('\n', stderr);
| }
| if( stats.unchanged )
| log_info(_(" unchanged: %lu\n"), stats.unchanged );
| if( stats.n_uids )
| log_info(_(" new user IDs: %lu\n"), stats.n_uids );
| if( stats.n_subk )
| log_info(_(" new subkeys: %lu\n"), stats.n_subk );
| if( stats.n_sigs )
| log_info(_(" new signatures: %lu\n"), stats.n_sigs );
| if( stats.n_revoc )
| log_info(_(" new key revocations: %lu\n"), stats.n_revoc );
| if( stats.secret_read )
| log_info(_(" secret keys read: %lu\n"), stats.secret_read );
| if( stats.secret_imported )
| log_info(_(" secret keys imported: %lu\n"), stats.secret_imported );
| if( stats.secret_dups )
| log_info(_(" secret keys unchanged: %lu\n"), stats.secret_dups );
| }
| if( is_status_enabled() ) {
| char buf[12*20];
| sprintf(buf, "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu",
| stats.count,
| stats.no_user_id,
| stats.imported,
| stats.imported_rsa,
| stats.unchanged,
| stats.n_uids,
| stats.n_subk,
| stats.n_sigs,
| stats.n_revoc,
| stats.secret_read,
| stats.secret_imported,
| stats.secret_dups);
buf now holds the "1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" part of the string you're seeing.
| write_status_text( STATUS_IMPORT_RES, buf );
This prepends the "[GNUPG:] IMPORT_RES" part and prints the whole lot.
| }