understanding what gnugp can do
Jack McKinney
Mon, 23 Oct 2000 11:12:43 -0500
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Big Brother tells me that Stephen Adler wrote:
> gnupg'ers,
> I'm new to this software pcakage and looking through the minihowto it
> looks like gnupg performs the basic encryption and decryption work
> but is not part of a mail system persay. Can someone point me to a
> a Free Software mail client which interfaces with gnupg? If I'm
> using an existing mail client which uses pgp, can openpg be a dropin
> replacement like openSSH is for ssh?
Try mutt. If you don't like it, try mutt instead. Then there is
also mutt.
"Restore your inalienable human rights. Jack McKinney
Vote Libertarian. http://www.lp.org http://www.lorentz.com
http://www.harrybrowne2000.org jackmc@lorentz.com
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