RSA support
Jiejun Kong
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:56:54 -0800
> Hi Jiejung,
> >>>"JK" == Jiejun Kong <jkong@CS.UCLA.EDU> writes:
> JK> Hi,
> JK> GNU-PG's FAQ claims that RSA support is included since gnupg-1.0.3.
> ...
> JK> Anybody has luck in this case? Or the FAQ and NEWS file are dishonest?
> Umpf, "claims" and "dishonest". Strong words ... ;-)
> Well, we've seen that your questions has been answered already by some
> helpful people on the mailing list. But sometimes it's also helpful to
> read the entire FAQ. In this case, questions 3.3 and 5.2 come to my
> mind ...
> Or should I add "What does 'algorithm 1 is not supported' mean?". But
> then we really get a lot of redundancy in there ... ;)
> Cheers, Nils
> --
> Nils Ellmenreich, Lst. f. Programmierung, Universitaet Passau, Germany
Hi, Nils,
I reread my first message and do see something offensive there. Here
I applogize for the comments I made to your efforts on gpg's FAQ.
On the other hand, in the section "Decrypting a PGP 2.x document" of, there is no description about
what I was just told. I guess the "gpg" program used in the example
has an IDEA module integrated. However, the "gpg" program made from
standard release doesn't have this feature, so maybe it is better to
add more comments in the section "Decrypting a PGP 2.x document" of
next release.
Best Regards,
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