gnupg for windows nt

Andrés Seco Hernández
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 14:40:50 +0200


I have been testing gnupg to substitute my old pgp553i in windows nt, but
the program always hangs after displaying the message "gpg: NOTE: you should
run 'diskperf -y' to enable the disk statistics". The program hangs when i
want to encrypt or generate a key.

I can import keys from pgp using .asc files, and the list-signs and
list-keys options runs well.

I have included the registry entries noted in the README.w32 file.

The version i have tested is 1.0.2.

Please, cc me. I am not subscribed to this list.

Thanks a lot.

> ______________________________________________
Andrés Seco Hernández. <> personal:, Clave pública PGP en Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900 Debian GNU Linux 2.2 (potato) - Linux Registered User no. 113867 tel. +34 670 262577, +34 949 888139, fax +34 949 888105. Organización y Medios. Caja de Guadalajara.
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