PGP Always Reports GPG Key as Using AES-128 ?

Nick Andriash Nick Andriash <>
Sat Apr 21 18:42:01 2001

Hash: SHA1

On April 20, 2001, at 12:20:27 AM, wrote:

>> Your symmetric encryption preferences are: 1. AES-128 (7) 2.
>> Twofish (10) 3. CAST5 (3) 4. 3DES (1) (implicit) Werner

> 3DES is not 1 but 2
> and you skiped S4

> 1. AES-128 (7)
> 2. Twofish (10)
> 3. CAST5 (3)
> 4. Blowfish (4)
> 5. 3DES (2) (implicit)
That's great... thank you very much for taking the time to show me that. BTW, where did you find that numbered list of Algorithms? One final question has to do with AES-128, and that being why we don't have AES-256 available? I presume it's supported but just not included in the 1.0.4-1 binary? That would answer my question as to why PGP always shows AES-128 as the Algorithm used on Keys generated by GPG, regardless of whether I list AES-256 as my preferred Algorithm. ;o) If I was able to compile my own binary, would I be able to include AES-256 in my Preferences? Nick =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=N.J. Andriash | Vancouver, B.C. Canada=- PGP-Basics List Moderator | PGP Key ID: 0x7BA3FDCE GnuPG v1.0.4-2 (MingW32) | TB! v1.52 Beta 1 | Win98 SE -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.4-2 (MingW32) - GnuPGshell v1.71 Comment: Join PGP-Basics: iD8DBQE64bgjxQKEdHuj/c4RAhuQAKD1jxIn6ux4jos6R+IvNXWPzHbXRwCfaKrh 8hrMSCfMJhP4yaBnSQkTKEU= =26We -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----