No valid OpenPGP data found.
Werner Koch
Wed Aug 29 09:57:01 2001
On Wed, 29 Aug 2001 02:02:18 +0200, Marc Mutz said:
> Shouldn't gnupg be more generous in what it accepts here? Eg. rfc2045
> explicitly requires MUA's to simply ignore any non-base64 character in
rfc2045 says in the section on ascii armor:
starting five dashes, and following the ending five dashes. The
header lines, therefore, MUST start at the beginning of a line, and
MUST NOT have text following them on the same line. These line
So GnuPG enforces this:
p = strstr( line+5, "-----");
if( !p )
return -1;
save_p = p;
p += 5;
if( *p == '\r' )
if( *p == '\n' )
if( *p )
return -1; /* garbage after dashes */
One more reason not to use ASCII Armor but the RFC3156. There is a
good reason that the encrypted packet is stored in an
> a base64 encoding, because MTA's are known to add and remove trailing
Inside the base64 encoded block white spaces are ignored.
Werner Koch Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur
g10 Code GmbH et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est.
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